
出典:De Clercq, Rafael. 2008. “The Structure of Aesthetic Properties.” Philosophy Compass 3 (5): 895.


Sibley (1959)

unified(統一された), balanced(バランスのとれた), integrated(統合された), lifeless(生気のない), serene(穏やかな), sombre(陰気な), dynamic(ダイナミックな), powerful(パワフルな), vivid(鮮やかな), delicate(繊細な), moving(感動的な), trite(古臭い), sentimental(感傷的な), tragic(悲劇的な), graceful(優美な), dainty(華奢な), handsome(ハンサムな), comely(見目好い), elegant(エレガントな), garish(けばけばしい), melancholy(陰鬱な), tightly-knit(がっちり結びついた), lovely(愛らしい), pretty(かわいい), beautiful(美しい), flamboyant(派手やかな), majestic(威厳のある), grand(壮大な), splendid(立派な), fiery(燃え立つような), massive(どっしりした), flaccid(たるんだ), weakly(弱々しい), washed out(疲れ切った), lanky(ひょろ長い), anaemic(気力のない), wan(血の気のない), insipid(無味乾燥な), joyous(愉快な), robust(がっしりした), strident(きんきんした), turbulent(乱雑な), gaudy(ごてごてした), chaotic(混沌とした), strong(強い), monotonous(単調な), forceful(力強い), gay(陽気な), taut(緊張した), solemn(厳粛な), ugly(醜い), exquisite(精巧な), nice(快い)

Sibley (1965)

graceful, dainty, garish, gaudy, balanced, moving, powerful, unified, sad(悲しい), gay, sprightly(活発な), cheerful(元気な), solemn, majestic, pensive(物思いに沈んだ), serene

Sibley (1974)

unified, balanced, evocative(喚情的な), moving, expressive(表現豊かな), dynamic, beautiful, ugly, lovely, vivid, funny(可笑しい), witty(ウィットに富んだ), elegant, graceful, handsome, pretty, ungainly(ぶざまな), garish, hideous(おぞましい)

Goldman (1995)

beautiful, ugly, sublime(崇高な), dreary(わびしい), balanced, graceful, concise(簡潔な), loosely woven(目の荒い), sad, angry(怒った), joyful(楽しい), serene, powerful, stirring(せわしない), amusing(おもしろい), hilarious(たいへん陽気な), boring(退屈な), sluggish(のろまな), bouncy(はじける), jaunty(はつらつとした), realistic(写実的な), distorted(歪んだ), true to life(如実な), erroneous(誤った), vivid, dull(鈍い), muted(抑制された), steely(堅固な), mellow(豊潤な), derivative(二番煎じの), original(オリジナルの), daring(大胆な), bold(ずぶとい), conservative(保守的な)

Hermerén (1998)

garish, tense(緊張感のある), graceful, harmonious(調和した), gay, nervous(神経質な), sad, exciting(興奮した), somber, serene, solemn, joyous, cheerful, bold, sublime, monumental(巨大な), coherent(一貫した), picturesque(ピクチャレスクな), mysterious(ミステリアスな), beautiful, unified, melancholy, disorganized(めちゃくちゃな), clumsy(ぎこちない), powerful, intriguing(魅力的な), moving

Carroll (1999)

graceful, dark(暗い), brooding(くよくよとした), somber, melancholic, gay, bold, stately(堂々とした), pompous(気取った), unified, balanced, tightly knit, chaotic, gaudy, vulgar(粗野な), kitschy(キッチュな), garish, sublime, beautiful, comic(喜劇的な), suspenseful(サスペンスに満ちた)

Zangwill (2001)

beautiful, ugly, dainty, dumpy(ずんぐりした), graceful, elegant, garish, delicate, balanced, warm(温かい), passionate(情熱的な), brooding, awkward(気まずい), sad

Levinson (2003)

beautiful, ugly, sublime, graceful, elegant, delicate, harmonious, balanced, unified, powerful, [having] drive(疾走感のある), [having] elan(活力のある), ebullient(沸き立つ), witty, vehement(熱烈な), garish, gaudy, acerbic(渋い), anguished(苦悩に満ちた), sad, tranquil(静かな), cheerful, crude(粗野な), serene, wiry(筋張った), comical(コミカルな), flamboyant, languorous(だるい), melancholic, sentimental

Levinson (2005)

balanced, unified, dynamic, fluid(どろどろした), impressionist(印象派的な), fauvist(フォーヴィスム的な), cubist(キュビスム的な), futurist(未来派的な), beautiful, ugly, lovely, sexy(セクシーな), dumpy, tense, sublime, tender(柔らかい), solicitous(気遣いのある), mournful(悲しみに沈んだ), lugubrious(哀れな), cheerful, confident(自信に満ちた), good-hearted(良心的な), graceful, garish


8回:balanced, garish, beautiful
5回:serene, powerful, sad, sublime


Carroll, Noël. 1999. Philosophy of Art: A Contemporary Introduction. Routledge.
Goldman, Alan H. 1995. Aesthetic Value. Westview Press.
Hermerén, Göran. 1998. “Qualities, Aesthetic.” Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, vol. 4. Ed. Michael Kelly. Oxford University Press. 97–99.
Levinson, Jerrold.  2003. “Philosophical Aesthetics: An Overview.” In The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics. Ed. Jerrold Levinson. Oxford University Press. 3–24.
Levinson, Jerrold. 2005. “Aesthetic Properties II.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Supplement 79 (2005): 211–27.
Sibley, Frank. 1959. “Aesthetic Concepts.” The Philosophical Review 68 (4): 421–50.
Sibley, Frank. 1965. “Aesthetic and Nonaesthetic.” The Philosophical Review 74 (2): 135–59.
Sibley, Frank. 1974. “Particularity, Art, and Evaluation.” In Approach to Aesthetics: Collected Papers on Philosophical Aesthetics. Eds. John Benson et al. Clarendon Press, 2001. 88–103.
Zangwill, Nick. 2001. The Metaphysics of Beauty. Cornell University Press.